High-end computing solutions

edge computing

embedded deep learning

embedded image processing

industrial IoT




innovative companies.

About us

ECSPEC, Embedded Computing Specialists, is a team of highly-skilled experts in embedded systems design.

As platform architects and R&D experts with over 15 years of experience, we work hand in hand with our clients to create customized embedded computing solutions. We are dedicated to help customers to develop innovative products.

We look forward to tackling your next technology challenge.

Innovate with real computing solution architects

Be sure to use the right methodology to efficiently solve your next computing challenge.

At ECSPEC we are real computing architects with a track record of over a decade in many-core, compiler, ASIC, microarchitecture, OS and computing platform architecture.

We work alongside you at critical steps such as solution exploration, trade-off analysis and identification of bottlenecks.

Leverage advanced IP designed by experts

We are a highly professional team, qualified to Ph.D. level, committed to finding the best solution for every customer.

Benefit from our advanced R&D services to invent key IP that allows to create your next products.

We have designed multiple pieces of high quality IP for our customers, many of which have gone on to protection by patent

Accelerate your application with FPGA & many-cores

Innovative applications need a large amount of resource. We accelerate the latest applications using heterogeneous, many-core and HLS FPGA solutions.

The latest code analysis tools provide thorough understanding of an application based on its dynamic behaviour. Such an insight supports the automatization that alleviates the burden of parallelization or HLS pragma insertion.

We leverage the latest dynamic code analysis tools to speed up code acceleration for edge computing and cloud.

Solutions for your application domain

We have 10+ years of experience with track records in:

  • Image processing acceleration
  • Deep learning implementation
  • Secure edge IoT
  • High-speed signal processing
  • Telecommunication
  • SDR
  • Fintech

Cross-Layer Expertise

The key enabler to handle integration in heterogeneous computing era.

Hardware design

We design hardware systems tailored for and bespoke to the application’s computing architecture.

  • Requirement analysis, specification writing and test plan developement
  • Motherboard design with embedded platform management
  • Power consumption monitoring and optimization
  • Highly integrated electronics for wearables
  • IP development for FPGA and ASIC
  • RISC-V processor IPs
  • Heterogeneous accelerator design
  • Processor microarchitecture design

OS/firmware optimization

We port OS, and develop and optimize drivers & firmware for parallel and heterogeneous platforms.

  • Porting of OS on parallel heterogeneous platforms
  • Custom drivers, optimize existing drivers for performances
  • Custom protocol for communication in SoC
  • Retargeting of compilers
  • Programming of parallel multi- and many-core platforms
  • Instrumentation to dynamically monitor parallel heterogenous platforms
  • Test frameworks and benchmarks for performance evaluation
  • Solutions to build and manage complete software images of platforms

Acceleration of applications

We offer highly efficient acceleration of applications on many-core and heterogeneous parallel platforms.

  • Identification and parallelization of hot kernels
  • Deep understanding of application behaviour using latest static and dynamic analysis tools
  • Partition of application on heterogenous resources
  • Conversion of float to fixed point integers
  • Optimal representation of data
  • Acceleration of C, C++, Matlab code
  • Porting of entire applications on FPGA with the latest HLS tools

Member of the SGET Group, a global standardization organization driven by its members to develop, communicate and market open standards for embedded hardware and software.

Premium partner of Silexica (now part of AMD), the leading software tools company for the multi-, many-cores & heterogeneous computing era.

Active member of HiPEAC, the premier European network for experts in computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for embedded and general-purpose systems.


Philippe Manet is the company CEO. He obtained his engineering degree in 2003 from Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) in Belgium. He holds a Ph.D. in computer architecture for embedded systems from the microelectronics laboratory at UCL, where he was a research associate. He also holds a master degree in management science from the Louvain School of Management.

Bertrand Rousseau is the company CTO. He obtained his engineering degree in 2005 from Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) in Belgium. He holds a Ph.D. in computer architecture for embedded systems from the microelectronics laboratory at UCL. He has been a research fellow at the Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) of Belgium.

We are always looking for new talent. Contact us if you want to join our growing team!

Contact us


Rue des Pères Blancs 4
1040 Brussels

How to reach our office:

© 2025 ECSPEC, Embedded Computing Specialists